There's a massive thunderstorm going on over Guangzhou right now (it is monsoon season, after all), so today we've been indoors all day, exploring the hotel. There are gobs of shops for mommy to browse in, but we found a room that Katie likes a lot. Virtually all Americans adopting Chinese children have to file papers with the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, and most adoption agencies book their families into the White Swan Hotel. Because of the influx of kids and new parents, the staff has created a beautiful new playroom in the hotel. Here's Katie checking it out:
We had a rough night last night due to teething and a little virus that's going around the family. I'm afraid I passed my little cold on to Katie; I'm guilty, but it's impossible to resist kissing that adorable little face and nibbling on those cute little fingers. Mommy and daddy are paying for those little indulgences right now with frequent awakenings and lots of short naps. Oops--Katie's waking up again, so I don't know if I'll get this post done.
This is a little pagoda in Peoples' Park in Nanning:
Here is the pool and spa at the Majestic Hotel:
A close-up of the entrance to the retirement home where Katie was found by the security guard:
A gazebo or pagoda in the park next to Katie's orphanage:
A random government building in Yulin on our road trip to see Katie's orphanage:
Well the thunderstorm has passed and the girls are hot for shopping, so gotta go!
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