It hurts so good. Two hours on the skinny skis is a little long for my second outing of the season, but who can blame me for overdoing it with these conditions? Went to the North Loop, saw Kyia (yeah she bikes, but she also skis really fast), and stayed with her for maybe half a lap (until the rollers--I climb worse on skis than I do on the bike, and that's not saying much). At least I got a picture out of the deal. I copped this off of Kyia's blog--thanks, girl!
Yesterday I said I was old school because I vastly prefer classic to skating. After today, I realized I'm not really old school, just old. Man, my hip flexors are tired as whack, as Mean Dawg would say. Tired but happy. Now I'm sitting by my roaring fire near suppertime, trying like anything to stay awake at the keyboard. (And you thought I only bored you with this blog.)
Man, this is the old Minnesota I fondly remember: 12" of snow in the past 4 days, and 6" more expected this weekend. Bring it on--the bike can wait another month or two. This is so much more fun than sitting on my Revmaster watching reruns and movies (though there's a time and a place for that). To my southern friends and neighbors who shiver when it gets below 60 degrees: this is the real deal winter, and it's a blast!
On another note, for those of you who don't share my love of all things Christmas, here's an offbeat offering from Weird Al (sorry, embedding is disabled on this one):
Sorry, I had to make good use of the time I had, so kicking and striding fast was mandatory. School is almost out and I would love to join you on a 2 hour ski, if I could only figure out what is going on with my knee...
2 hours, nice. I can only manage about an hour at a time and i am shot.
Kyia, never, never apologize for being fast! You go girl. Thanks for grooming the loop so nice and all.
Jeffro, that's the trouble with being a skater: it's all or none. How long is a hockey game, after all? Or more to the point, how long is the average line on the ice? It's all anaerobic all the time.
This geezer prefers to amble along well in the aerobic range. It's a long way to Ken Woods, and the lactate can wait.
We are researchers at the University of Texas and University at Buffalo working to better understand people's blogging behavior, and you are an ideal candidate to help. We would like very much to hear from you, and would greatly appreciate your time and willingness to respond.
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Chyng-Yang Jang & Michael Stefanone
Chyng-Yang Jang
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
University of Texas at Arlington
P.O. Box 19107
Arlington, Tx 76019, USA
cyjang AT uta DOT edu
(+1) 817-272-4142
Michael Stefanone
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
The State University of New York at Buffalo
359 Baldy Hall
Buffalo, New York 14260
ms297 AT buffalo DOT edu
+1 716-645-2141
What the hey is this? I hate it when sploggers leave this junk on my posts. I can't seem to erase it. WTD?
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