Everyday advice about Ear, Nose, and Throat problems from a Doc with some experience. Some random thoughts about life in general thrown in for good measure...
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Christmas letter block

Diana Krall-Jingle Bells
For those of you who love Christmas music--me too! For those who don't, tant pis pour vous. Diana Krall is on my iPod A list with her Christmas album and also with her "From This Moment On" album. A new "best of" album has been recently released. Happy Holidays!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Crazy Mountain Bike Downhill
Matt Williams sent this around a month ago, but I lost it, so I looked it up on YouTube. I'm an MTB newbie, so I've never seen anything like this. I love to bomb the Cheq descents, but this is more like taking your bike down the Drunken Frenchman, moguls included!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Make a Difference

Social consciousness is definitely hip. The media outlets are constantly showing the next big starlet plugging PETA or preaching against global warming. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely for animals and small carbon footprints. It's just hard for me to get excited about Britney's newest cause when I find out that she donates a whopping $500 per month to her favorite charity. That's out of an income of $737,000 PER MONTH. By my math, that's 0.067% of her income for charity. Underwhelming.
I don't really need celebrities to motivate me to lend a hand. Just look around at the needs in our communities, our country, and around the world, and you see lots of opportunities to pitch in. If I did need some motivation, I would look to U2's Bono. I've been a fan of U2 since 1982, when my friend Garth played an LP (that's right, a real vinyl record) of October or Boy or both, I don't remember. I watched Band Aid in 1985 when Bono jumped down like 20 feet to dance with a girl from the audience, and rocked to The Joshua Tree like everyone else in the world. I kind of lost track after Actung Baby when they went glam, but picked them back up with All That You Can't Leave Behind and HTDAAB.

Bono has always been a promoter, and his charitable work is no different. Check out his ONE Campaign--the campaign to make poverty history--and you will find photos and videos of all kinds of celebs wearing the ONE white wristband (above) or the T-shirt. Unlike most of the celebs pictured, though, Bono has spent countless hours volunteering, lobbying politicians, and speaking out against poverty. He spends so much time and effort at it that it has caused problems with the band at times.
Beth and I support a number of causes and missions locally and globally. I may mention one or two in the future if the topic comes up, but my main goal here is to get us thinking about how we can make a difference. One easy and cheap way is to start researching various causes and find out more about what they do, how they do it, and what effect their work has on the problem they are working against. IMHO, not every "problem" is of equal importance. No offense to PETA or Sierra Club, but eliminating death and disability due to poverty seems like a more pressing issue for our attention.
DOC'S ADVICE: check out ONE.org, sign the petition currently being circulated, and maybe contact your Congressperson and Senators to encourage them to do something about poverty in our country and around the world. Or do something else to make a difference.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
What I'm Thankful For

I usually try to be clever or at least a little ironic in this blog. Hopefully someone out there finds it mildly amusing enough to tune in every now and then to catch up on Doc's advice. Today I am going to be fairly straightforward, though I never know until I'm done typing just what is going to come out. Here's what I'm most thankful for, in no particular order:
1. My health. I'm not the strongest rider out there, but I'm doing pretty well for me, and at 46 years of age, I'm just happy to be able to

2. My wife. Beth is, hands down, the best thing that ever happened to me. She is my perfect complement, my best friend, and the glue that keeps my life together. I really would be lost without her.
3. My profession. I am so lucky to have a job I love to do, day in and day out. It wasn't always that way of course. Grey's Anatomy, House, and Scrubs have it all wrong; med school, internship and residency aren't as glamorous or as exciting as they portray, just a long hard grind of too much reading, too little sleep, and too much stress. Private practice ENT surgery is much better suited to my abilities and stamina, and I am very thankful for my partners who share the load with me.
4. My family. I'm spending the week with my older brother and his family in Houston. My Mom is in a nursing home nearby; she'll be coming over for the afternoon. My younger brother is in Dallas with his wife and little boy, and my youngest brother is in the Seattle area with his 4 wonderful kids. On Beth's side, my in-laws and Beth's sister and her family are in the Cities, so we see them a fair amount. All of them are good company any time, but especially during the holidays.
5. My friends. If you are reading this, you are probably one of them. Thank you for your friendship. Cycling is not really the focus of what we do together, as far as I'm concerned. It's much more about people of like mind coming together to multiply the joy of participating. If in the process of racing I have offended you (and I probably have), forgive me. I'd rather fail miserably at racing if it let's me succeed in friendship with you.
6. The rest of my life. Prosperity, a great country (with all its faults), education, opportunity, a stable economy, personal safety, chances to influence and develop future leaders, a business that helps support the families of 50 employees, free time to pursue hobbies and friendships, freedom of speech and religion, a great city and neighborhood to live in, great neighbors, our dream house (10 years ago it mostly gave me nightmares during renovation), two funny dogs and a bunch of big fat goldfish, and the hope of hearing a little girl's laughter in the near future.
7. Jesus Christ. I'm not usually a preachy person, but most of you who know me reasonably well know that I'm fairly "religious". I would prefer the word "devout" even though the two words mean essentially the same thing, it's just that the word "religious" has developed a darker, more fanatic connotation. Anyway, I believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to Father God except through Him. Today especially I am thankful that He died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins and imperfections, and gave me the gift of salvation and the hope of eternal life with God. If you have accepted that gift, be thankful; if you haven't, you can if you want. 'Nuf said.
8. Whatever else I missed that I really ought to be thankful for. A grateful heart is the foundation for a healthy life, IMHO. DOC'S ADVICE: find something to be thankful for every day. It can't hurt, and it might save your life someday.
Tomorrow's blog: who knows?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
E! Houston style
Here in Houston, I don't have to leave the house to be entertained. I can't recommend yesterday's entertainment, er addiction, since I took a lot of heat over wasting most of the day on Rubik's cube. Here is a sampling of what else is on the docket:
First, there's X-box 360 (currently out of service), X-box, GameCube, and Nintendo 64. Most of these are way too advanced for me, since my nephews can smoke me in basically any game we play. Right now they are into Guitar Hero II and Rainbow 6 Vegas on X-box 360. I fancy myself a bit of a musician, since in real life I play a 5-string Carvin bass reasonably well, but I worry about trying Guitar Hero II since it involves holding down buttons with your left hand and clicking on the strum bar with your right hand. Extra points for using the whammie bar on longer notes.
Then there are the wiener dogs, Ringo and Cotton, who are thoroughly entertaining day and night. Movie night every night on the home theater (playing tonight: Spiderman 3), multiple computers, musical instruments, baseballs to throw, golf in the garage (a net) and in the back yard (usually whiffle, but occasionally the real thing just to break the monotony). My nephew Caulin has a large iTunes library, so we get a custom CD to listen to almost every day (yesterday was Earth, Wind, and Fire; today is classic rock anthems like Toto, Boston, Kansas, and Aerosmith).
For you Cirque du Soleil fans, we even get a taste of the diabolo from La Nouba, contortion from Kooza, and hand balancing on canes from Varekai. Don't believe me? Watch this:
That was my 11 year old nephew Kyle, who is a gymnast and budding Cirque performer. We took him to La Nouba at Disneyworld 3 years ago, and he was mesmerized by the Diabolo act. He bought the DVD and a diabolo (a sort of horizontally spinning top that can be thrown from a string held between two sticks), and by the end of our week at Disneyworld, he had memorized the act. Since then, he has been to 6 other Cirque shows, and has learned parts of 3 other acts. This particular video shows part of the hand balancing act from Varekai. DOC'S ADVICE: if you haven't seen Cirque (where have you been?), go! Or come to Houston and watch parts of it for free.
Since there's so much entertainment around, I haven't had much time to set up my secret training plan for the year, but I'm almost done. Sorry, if I told you any more, I'd have to erase your memory (remember that Haitian guy reaching for your face like he does in Heroes?).
Tomorrow: what I'm thankful for...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
How To Solve A Rubik's Cube Easily
Watch this to see just how "easy" it is to solve this diabolical puzzle. Argh!
I did it!

Semantics alert: skip this boring stuff it you are not really into words. Idiot comes from Old French from Latin from Greek "idiotes" which is derived from "id" which means "one's own" or "private". Sigmund Freud used "id" to describe our inner spoiled brat. It evidently meant "layman" or "private citizen" who greek leaders apparently felt were ignorant. Turns out our modern leaders generally feel the same about modern voters.
The hints on wikihow read like an algebra textbook, so it took me a while to figure them out, and then I kept turning the back face clockwise when it was supposed to go counterclockwise, so I would finish a move and the cube would be randomly scrambled again. I got a little testy with Beth, so she headed out for a pedicure and told me to call her when I was in a better mood.
Anyway, my nephews have been waiting all morning for me to finish so we can actually go do something together, so I guess I'd better clean up and try to accomplish something useful today. Like shopping for more $2 puzzles to waste time on. It's 12:30 and I've had exactly 2 cups of coffee, so I'm not only testy, I'm starved. Time to call Beth and fake a better mood so I can meet her for lunch. DOC'S ADVICE: if you have an addictive personality like Doc's, whatever you do, don't pick up that old Rubik's cube collecting dust in your game closet.
Go here to watch a 3 year old solve it in 2 minutes. Then you, too, will feel like an idiot.
Go here to watch a guy solve it one-handed in 20 seconds.I'm exhausted. Tonight is Spiderman 2.
Monday, November 19, 2007
The police - Every breath you take
I don't know why, but looking at Ian's picture made me think of Sting in the video of "Every Breath You Take" by The Police. It might be a subconcious fear of not having enough breath to go around on training rides. I doubt it's because I'm worried that any teammates will be watching me, since I'm more likely to be behind them than in front...
80 degrees and no bike!

Friday, November 16, 2007
Bruce Springsteen Born to Run 1980's
My most recent addition from iTunes is the Bruce Springsteen essential collection. This video is from back in the day when I was a big fan. Haven't seen much of the Boss lately, but Born to Run still has it for me. Only U2 (another huge fav!) could fill an arena with this kind of energy.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Shouts and Secrets

Shouts to my homeys:
1. Doug-O has decided to make GrandStay his choice for all his bike racing needs. He will be wearing the Green and Orange on the road and CX (as usual) and now on the dirt as well. Even though anyone who knows me realizes that me and dirt just don't mix (dirt always wins, as evidenced by my Cheq crash and a broken rib), I have to say it was weird seeing Doug in red and white at Cheq. I almost didn't recognize him until he put the hammer down on the asphalt coming out of Haward (come to think of it, that was right before some guy went down in front of me--but that wasn't Doug's fault). I didn't so much recognize him as much as I recognized the usual searing pain in my legs whenever I race with him. DOC'S ADVICE: it's better to race with this guy than against him.
2. New cat 1s (fairly new, at least): Micah Moran, Matt Williams, Dan Casper (the friendly Ghost), BK "Big Kahuna" Koeneman, and (earlier this fall) Chia (Chachi) Kung. Chachi has relocated to Shanghi, China for the year, where he is already showing a clean pair of wheels to most of their racers (especially since it's so dang flat around there, eh sprinterboy?).

3. Casper the Ghost has locked up the CX 35+ CRY award in a runaway fashion. The Swanson brothers, Micah, Matt, and Charles Jacobs have all done the Green & Orange proud as well.
I'm currently getting killed with meetings and busy clinic and surgery schedules, so I'm getting basically no time on the bike or in the weight room. That will all change December 1 when my new training year officially starts. I don't think I'll do a 60K ride like Miguel Indurain always did on Dec 1, but I will start my program. I have seen some pretty good improvements the last two years: in 2005, my last with Loon State, I was a cat 4 mostly competing in Masters 4/5 events, and doing OK (I got 2nd overall in the tour of 10K in 2004). Since then, I've cat'd up to 3 in 2006 and to cat 2 this year after several good finishes, including 2nd overall in the St. Cloud Omnium for the Master 35+. I also finished 4th in the ROY standings in the same field. I was able to stay in the mix pretty well even when the 35+ers were mixed with the Pro 1,2s.
Anyway, I'm going to make a few secret modifications to the program I've done the past 2 years (I am a doctor, afterall), and see if I can come out of the chute next spring even stronger. The only glitch might be a welcome one: Beth and I are hoping to hear from the Chinese authorities as to when we will be adopting a little baby girl from China. If that happens I will definitely be interrupting my training for a while (yes, Fat Chad, I watched what happened to you). But even Painman has come back stronger than ever after a baby came into his life.
Speaking of meetings, I'm late for a board meeting, so I'll post this and fix it up later...
DOC'S ADVICE: Go Green and Orange!
Monday, November 12, 2007
How to Charge an iPod using electrolytes and an onion
Ever wonder what to do with that sticky, half-empty bottle of gatorade after a ride? Wonder no more!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Honey, look how much money we saved!

Friday, November 9, 2007
What I learned in school today
I am attending a course called Otolaryngology Update put on by UCSF, and is it ever good! Honchos from all over have flown in here to update the rest of us on the newest research in the field of Ear, Nose, and Throat. Don't go getting glassy eyed on me--I'm not going to start lecturing you on the fine points of septorhinoplasty or radical neck dissection and the use of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy. I want to reassure all of you out there who secretly believe that doctors are really just quacks and all we do at meetings is drink coffee (or worse) and gossip about how bad you looked the last time we saw you in the office (or worse). DOC'S ADVICE: medical meetings are rather boring affairs with lots of powerpoint slide shows and polite applause.
Actually, this was one of the demos we saw entitled "karaoke CPR, or how to really enjoy your first code":
I'm sure I've restored your faith in the medical field by now.
Geek alert: San Fran is being taken over by MIB aliens who have snuck in here for the Oracle convention that starts on Sunday. I've never seen so many pocket protectors since I got my undergrad chemistry degree! 65,000 drunken maladroit software engineers are not a pretty sight, and what with streetcars whizzing by, I fear for their very lives. Good thing I learned karaoke CPR!
We just got back from Hana Zen,

Konichiwa, sushi! We'll be seeing more of you...but tomorrow it's dim sum at Yank Sing, care of Red Lantern again. Thanks, bro--maybe your engine's not the biggest, but you sure fuel it with the right st

Medical lecture video
I'm at a medical meeting in San Fran, and this video was shown in one of the lectures I attended. I can't remember the point that the professor was trying to make because I was laughing too hard. Hope the guy's OK.
Oh yeah, now I remember--the lecture was on surgical options for facial fractures. DOC'S ADVICE: don't try this at home. Don't try this anywhere else, either. This guy will be using a bedpan for a couple of months, I would guess.
This morning at the meeting I ran into a number of old friends: Ashley Anderson, Carlton Lee, and Wayne Kirkham, all alumni of the University of Wisconsin ENT residency program that I attended, and Don Carter, a very good friend from Washington University School of Medicine. He was a WUMS '86 and I was a WUMS '87. He went into practice in Merced, CA, about 2 hours south of here. We spent lunch and break times catching up on everything.
BTW, just got back from dinner with Beth (and Don Carter) at Boulevard on the Embarcadero near the Bay bridge. WOW! That's all I can say. Doc is speechless. I had foie gras
(I love the stuff, can't get enough of it regardless of what you think about force-feeding geese), incredible rack of lamb, and the most exquisite ice cream sandwiches made with French-style macaroons that melt in your mouth. DM, I have to concur. I have a new favorite restaurant in S.F. DOC'S ADVICE: listen to your attorney when he tells you something. You won't regret it.
We needed a very long walk along the piers, all the way from the bay bridge to Ghirardelli's on the north end. We walked pier 39 and saw all the sea lions and seals, and looked across the bay at Alcatraz. We're going to try to take a boat over on Saturday afternoon for a tour. We were too tired to walk back to the restaurant, so we took the streetcar up the hill and back to the hotel. Since I can't keep my eyes open enough to spell check this post, I'm out of here...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
San Fran, baby!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Old Stuff

It's not as if the entire world is clamoring for more of Doc's blog, but I dug up my old blog, Mon Avis, from last year's visit to Paris. It was agreeably entertaining to re-read our adventures in France. There's a lot of text and some swell pictures, and lots of rambling. If you fish around a little, you'll probably find something that stimulates the little grey cells.
If you like that sort of thing, well have at it. Who am I to judge you for having absolutely nothing going on in your life important enough to keep you from wasting a couple of hours on my ramblings? I'm a little embarassed for you, but then again, I wrote the stuff, so maybe I should be more embarassed for me.
The good thing is that I only blogged for 2 months in 2006, so the bottom of the barrel isn't that far away really.
Wasn't Bob Hope a Democrat?
D/C and SM2
I seem to have a new best friend, musically speaking. Everywhere I turn, Dashboard Confessional pops up. I loved the song "Vindicated" from Spiderman 2, and it turns out it's Chris Carrabba and D/C who recorded it. Who coulda known?
Here it is with scenes from SM2. What a great combo: Toby McGuire, Kirsten Dunst, and Alfred Molina (and D/C setting the mood). I haven't seen SM3 yet, so don't spoil it for me. I'm going to pull a triple feature and watch all 3 in one day. Maybe I'll try for a 6 hour trainer session at the same time, like my teammate Ghost does at the station...
BTW, there's another version of "Stolen" (I think it's an MTV edit) that has Carrabba in a duet with Juli lead singer Eva Briegel. Here it is, I think it's swizzy.
I think I just might wander over to iTunes and check out more of the D/C discography. Typical, they just played in St. Cloud like 2 weeks ago--SRO, I heard. Guess I'll never make it as a Scene Boy. We even made their blog...
Monday, November 5, 2007