After harassing my older brother by printing his AARP card on a previous post, I began checking web sites related to Chinese adoption, since we are waiting in line to complete our adoption. It's a complicated affair, with login dates, estimated wait times, and referral and travel dates, all in a jumble.
After sifting through all the complicated calculations, the web site Chinaforecast.com estimates that we should hear from the China adoption agency either the beginning of next month or the beginning of May. There is usually a four to eight week delay, before we travel, so we will likely be traveling to China for two weeks sometime in June or July to complete our adoption.
For those of you to whom this is a major revelation, Soulmate and I have been waiting to adopt a little Chinese girl since we started the process in July of 2005. It has taken much longer to complete the adoption than we expected. Initial estimates by our adoption agency were for a nine month wait between our login date (the date that he official Chinese adoption service received our application) and our referral (the paper sent from China with a picture and a medical report of the little girl assigned to us).
Unfortunately, the wait so far has been 27 months, or three times as long as we expected. Given the number of international couples applying to China and the decreasing number of babies being made available by the Chinese adoption service, if someone applies today, they can expect a five-year wait.
I asked my physical therapist yesterday whether I would be able to carry a 15 pound toddler around by June or July, and he was confident that I would be sufficiently recovered to do so. This has suddenly become much more important than whether I will be back on the bike for the summer crit season or not.
My shoulder rehab has suddenly taken on a greater level of importance for me that I ever thought it would. I was prepared to scrub the entire racing season in order to make sure my shoulder was strong enough for the rigors of competition, but now it looks like the timing of my surgery was more ideal than I thought, hopefully allowing me to participate fully in all of the bonding that will go on when we meet are little girl. All in all, it looks like I have plenty of motivation to see this process through.

The book is actually written for patients to be able to help their doctors ask and answered the right questions so they reach the right diagnosis and proposed the right treatments. I'm not all offended by the book, given that the author is the chair of the Department of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. I figure that if one of the smartest doctors in the nation needs to study the process of medical decision-making, a dumb surgeon like myself could probably benefit from what he finds out.
Oops, it's almost midnight. I'm afraid there's not much thinking going on of all at this time of night. It's all a blur again…
Hi Nephew:
Great to hear you returned home safe and sound with an open mind.
Also great to hear you are making head way in the adoption process.,
but sorry it is taking so long.
Keep up the good work. We also received a note from Oldest Nephew about your nephew at SBU and how good he is in basketball.
We sent your mom a birthday card on Saturday wishing her a great birthday.
We also sent her pictures of our two grandchildren, Cassandra and Taylorwhich we have done the last several years.
Talk Later.
Aunt and Uncle
Are you finding that patients of yours are more informed now than in years past? I ask this in light of the internet and all the information available for those who choose to do a little research of their own.
I suppose a case could be made that some people with a little information can be a detriment but I would hope that those people are in the minority.
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