Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 3: And Now For Something Completely Different

You must be sick of hearing all about me, so, something different.

Yes, I have the entire Monty Python & the Flying Circus on DVD, as well as The Holy Grail, Life of Brian, and today's title movie. A while ago I posted the "Bicycle Repairman" sketch on this blog. Here it is again:

In addition, my Seattle bro' has sent me some time-wasters while I'm recuperating:

Here are some cool sites that I enjoy and might give you some cool, fun and even some useful info along the way:

Lifehacker – cool site with a lot of great how-to’s, tips, downloads, etc for the techie and not-so-techie lifestyle

Make Magazine – cool projects and videos (I found a video on building a Trebuchet and others being very cool to view)

Book Finder – if you can’t find it, then it was never printed (or something like that)

How Stuff Works – as the name describes…cool learning site.

Anybody got any other cool sites for me to check out? PG rated, max. This is a family-friendly blog.

Next time...????


Kevin Gilmore said...


Here's one you can add to your list...All My Faves

Enjoy and be well.

Anonymous said...

You have to forward Bicycle Repairman to Luke, my hero!

Doc said...

Done--but our Hero asks "who's tman?"

RammelClan said...

You could try some word games online...I like Pat Sajak's lucky is the link It might be too easy for a word shark like yourself! Are you going to take us up on the offer of lasagna? We could bring it into town on Sunday. The girls "say" hi and get well soon, Uncle!

Doc said...

Oooooh--Alice's lasagna! I feel stronger already. Sunday sounds great.