Brother Dave was able to get a text message that everything is OK with them in Houston. 2 big trees down, parts of the privacy fence destroyed, debris everywhere, but nobody hurt in the entire neighborhood. The nursing home has a backup generator, so Mom can head back there tonight and get back on her schedule again. God is good.
Shwammy update: as I predicted, the rain from a couple days ago mixed with rain at race time to make for a muddy Fat Tire Festival. To no one's surprise, Jonathan Page (picture copped off of Skinnyski.com) pulled away at the end after catching a breakaway Jeff Hall. Our own Doug Swanson got 7th and Ian Stanford 13th.
Big Jim almost pulled off a top 20 (again!) with 25th, and 1st in his age group. Matty got 37th, but got beat by a girl (Lea Davison from VT who rode an amazing 2:19:26 and beat last year's womens' champ Jenna Zander by almost 3 minutes). Couldn't resist, Matt. All in all, GrandStay Hotels had an excellent showing.
Hoe did YOU do?
oops. always look at your message before you post. Let me try again:
How did YOU do?
I stayed home where it was safe and dry, and said kind things to my left shoulder like "don't worry little shoulder, the nasty mud isn't going to get you this year" and stuff like that.
Next year: definitely maybe.
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