I feel like I've been transplanted to Seattle or something. Not because their sports teams stink just like Minnesota's (although that's true, since the Mariners, the Supersonics, and the Seahawks all have very mediocre records resembling the Twins, Timberpuppies, and Vikings). No, I feel all Northwest because it seems like it's been dreary and rainy for weeks, like what my brother Jonathan describes living north of Seattle. The picture above must be fake, because the sun never shines there.
Anyway, it feels very Seattle in Minnesota right now. The only thing missing is a latte stand on every corner (although I make my own french style latte at home every morning anyway). Other than getting out last Saturday to ride long enough to really screw up my shoulder diving off my MTB, it has been raining every time I've had the chance to ride. DOC'S ADVICE: Doc should maybe ride his MTB indoors instead of outdoors, even when it isn't raining.
Not that I feel much like riding this time of year: what I really feel like doing is eating an elk (whole) and curling up in a cave to sleep it off until springtime. Once Chequamegon is over, I am either too injured or too unmotivated to race much CX, and the weather is usually fairly uncooperative for joyrides on the tandem or MTB. Of course, once January comes with -10 degree temps and packed snow on the roads, I'll wish it was 50 degrees and rainy. But for now, I am looking for alternative motivation to keep my weight from ballooning and my fitness squandered forever.
Ergo, Heroes! I finally set up my little exercise room by taking out a coat closet and building a countertop with storage underneath for assorted fitness paraphernalia (rollers, trainer, crunch ball, dumbbells. On top of the counter I have a sweet 42" flat panel swivel mounted TV and DVD player. Lined up opposite the TV counter is my LeMonde revmaster spin bike, a Cybex arc trainer (a little smaller than the health club model, but just a sturdy and full-featured), and a Hoist H310 universal gym. So the last 2 weeks I've logged 20 hours of happy indoor fitness watching the heroes save the cheerleader!

I also bought a couple of books on training to add to what my coach has been telling me about winter training. I hope to train even smarter this winter so I can have another good year racing in 2008. Here they are:

ISBN: 193138293X
ISBN-13: 9781931382939
Format: Paperback, 302pp
Publisher: VeloPress
Pub. Date: November 2006

ISBN: 1931382794
ISBN-13: 9781931382793
Format: Paperback, 231pp
Publisher: VeloPress
Pub. Date: February 2006
I'm not going to tell you anything more about them; I'm not giving away any secrets that might give me an edge. DOC'S ADVICE: buy and read them yourself.
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