Sunday, January 20, 2008

Call Weekend

I'm on call this weekend, and it's been really good. I had a stretch from Friday night until Sunday noon when I got like 3 total phone calls, all for advice (as opposed to asking me to come into the E.R. to see a sick patient). I love call weekends because I can't make any firm plans, and if I get to do some fun stuff, I feel like I'm getting away with something.

Friday night I went to Granite City Cycles to help Luke put the finishing touches on my fixie. It's basically done now, but I bought some model paint and Soulmate has promised to work on touch-up areas for me (she is an artist, after all). Then I'll be ready to take some spy photos for my gentle readers.

Saturday I made rounds at the hospital, then Jim Bell came over to roll for 3 hours on the trainers. I can do such a feat with a buddy, but never have the will to last that long by myself. We watched "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and hooted at Larry David for an hour, then found "Syriana" on On Demand, and puzzled over it for 2 hours.

After riding, I headed back to GCC to pick up my fixie, but then decided to leave it til Monday so Luke can write up a tag for it (I got to the shop just before closing, and feel bad about keeping Luke after hours on his own time, since he works pretty hard as it is). Then over to China restaurant to pick up Soulmate's fav Chicken Almond Ding and my General's Chicken, and finally home to watch The Wedding Singer and put the chopsticks to good use.

Today I went to church, immediately got called back to the hospital for a consult, went home and ate some panini sandwiches, and just as I was leaving with my bike to ride at Jim's house, I got called back to the E.R. to see not one, but three patients. That was OK, though, since I got all the work done at once, and didn't have to leave Jim's to see anyone at the hospital.

We watched the playoff games while riding (TiVo'd of course, since I hate commercials). I'm not a Pats fan, and really wanted to see SD give them a run (which they kind of did), and I really am a Brett Favre fan, so I wanted to see GB win. Looks like I'm 0 for 2, but the Superbowl will be better because NYG are the only ones that have really given the Pats a run. That final game of the season was one of the best I've seen in years. I somehow doubt the rematch will be close.

I will be sad to see the Dolphins' perfect season bested, since I was a big fan of theirs back in the 70s. Oh well, nobody else can be the FIRST perfect team.

Oops, it's almost midnight, and I have an early surgery in the morning. Better hit the hay...

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